Wednesday, November 18, 2015

2015 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 18

Sorry for the late start today. It’s been busy already.

For today’s prompt, write an idea poem. Do all poems begin with an idea? I don’t know. Some of mine begin with an image or a sound, and the meaning emerges later (if at all). For this prompt though, have an idea, an epiphany, a giant light bulb hovering over your head.

Let the ideas flow.


Recreating_Poetry_Revise_PoemsRe-create Your Poetry!

Revision doesn’t have to be a chore–something that should be done after the excitement of composing the first draft. Rather, it’s an extension of the creation process!

In the 48-minute tutorial video Re-creating Poetry: How to Revise Poems, poets will be inspired with several ways to re-create their poems with the help of seven revision filters that they can turn to again and again.

Click to continue.


Here’s my attempt at an Idea poem:

“Jesse’s Girl”

“I’ve got it,” sputtered Marcus at lunch in the cafeteria
to himself as much as anyone. “Got what,” asked Barbara.
“He’s got soft rolls,” joked Eddie. “No, no, no,” started
Marcus, “I have an idea.” Walt rolled his eyes, “Not another

one of those.” But Marcus ignored him, “I still think we
should get out to the Carter house again.” “Marcus!”
“Buutttt, I understand everyone’s hesitation about going
back there,” continued Marcus. “Sooo, I have another

plan.” He paused for dramatic effect until Eddie said,
“What the heck is it?” Marcus smiled, “We’ll go talk
to Clara Moss.” Walt looked relieved; Barbara rolled
her eyes; and Eddie said, “Why would we talk to her?”

Barbara blurted, “I know why,” but Marcus waved her off,
“Think about it. She’s spent the most time with Jesse.”


roberttwitterimageRobert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community and author of the poetry collection, Solving the World’s Problems (Press 53). He edits Poet’s Market and Writer’s Market, in addition to writing a free weekly newsletter and a poetry column for Writer’s Digest magazine.

This is his eighth year of hosting and participating in the November PAD (Poem-A-Day) Chapbook Challenge. He can’t wait to see what everyone creates this month–not only on a day-by-day basis, but when the chapbooks start arriving in December and January. Fun, fun, fun.

Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.


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