Monday, July 11, 2016

13 Literary Agents Seeking Literary Fiction NOW

Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint which agents are open to submissions at any given time. So with that in mind, I’m creating some new vertical lists of agents seeking queries right now, as of summer 2016.

This list is for literary fiction.

All the agents listed below personally confirmed to me as of July 2016 that they are actively seeking literary fiction submissions NOW. Some gave personal notes about their tastes while some did not. Good luck querying!


mitch-hoffman-literary-agent1. Mitch Hoffman (Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency)

How to Submit: Please submit a one-page query letter via e-mail. Please do not send attachments. However a first chapter pasted into the body of an e-mail query is acceptable. Send queries to queryhoffman [@]


Caryn-Karmatz-Rudy-literary-agent2. Caryn Karmatz Rudy (DeFiore and Company)

How to Submit: Please submit to submissions [@] Please include the phrase “Query for Caryn: [Title]” in the subject line. All e-mails with attachments will be deleted; please insert all text in the body of the e-mail. Include a brief summary of your novel, a short description why you’re writing the project, any specific credentials you have for writing the book in question, and the first five pages.

(Exclusive Requests From Literary Agents—What Are They and How Do They Work?)


amaryah-orenstein-23. Amaryah Orenstein (Go Lit)

How to Submit: Please send your queries to submissions [at] Emails should include a description of your work and a brief biographical sketch. Please do not send your manuscript, whole or partial, unless it has been specifically requested.


steve-kasdin4. Steve Kasdin (Curtis Brown)

How to Submit: Please send a query letter about what makes your book unique, a 1-3 page plot synopsis, a brief bio (including a description of your publishing history, if you have one), and the first 40-50 pages of your manuscript as an attachment to the e-mail to skasdin [@] If querying Steve, do not query Kerry, also on this list.


Check Out These Great Upcoming Writers’ Conferences:


agent-stacy-testa5. Stacy Testa (Writers House)

How to Submit: Please send your query letter to stesta [@], with the first 5-10 pages of your manuscript pasted into the body of the email. No attachments, please.


Alison_Fargis_Headshot_dana_gallagher0117-1-159x2006. Alison Fargis (Stonesong)

How to Submit: Send queries to submissions [@] Include the phrase “Query for Alison: [Title]” in the subject line of your e-mail to ensure she receives it and it isn’t filtered as spam. Include the first chapter or first 10 pages of your work, pasted into the body of your e-mail, so that she may get a sense of your writing. Please do not send attachments. Please note that Alison is closed to queries during the months of August and December.

laura-mamelok-literary-agent7. Laura Mamelok (Susanna Lea)

How to Submit: Queries by email only —submission [at] Please send a concise query letter, including e-mail address, phone number, and any relevant information (previous publications, etc.), a brief synopsis, and the first three chapters and/or proposal. Please include the word “Query” in the subject line of your e-mail. Laura will respond if interested.

(16 things to do prior to sending your work out to agents & editors.)


michelle-richter-literary-agent8. Michelle Richter (Fuse Literary)

How to Submit: To query Michelle, please send your query letter, a 1-2 page plot synopsis, and the first twenty pages of your manuscript to querymichelle [@]


Robin Mizell 20159. Robin Mizell (Robin Mizell Ltd.)

Notes: Adult and young adult literary fiction.

How to Submit: “I take queries only via e-mail, and I ask for the first five pages of the manuscript along with the query email. Send to mail [at]”


Elise-Capron-agent10. Elise Capron (Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency)

Notes: “I am interested in serious adult literary fiction, particularly those with elements of magical realism and multicultural appeal. I aim to work with writers who are getting their work published regularly and are building their platform as a fiction writer.”

How to Submit: Please send a query letter, a one-page synopsis, a brief bio (including a description of your publishing history), and the first 10-15 pages of your manuscript. Please send all items in the body of the e-mail, not as an attachment. Send queries to queries [@] and put “Query for Elise: [Title]” in the subject line. [Editor’s note: According to her website, Elise is closed to submissions. But she did personally confirm to me (Chuck) that she is open to being on this literary fiction list during summer 2016. So if you query her, mention upfront how you saw her name on this list.]


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the agent database, Guide to Literary Agents.


shannon-hassan-agent11. Shannon Hassan (Marsal Lyon Literary)

How to Submit: Please send a query letter by e-mail, with the word QUERY in the e-mail’s subject line, to Shannon [@]


LaPolla pic12. Sarah LaPolla (Bradford Literary)

Notes: Represents YA literary fiction and adult literary fiction

How to Submit: Please paste your query + first five pages into the body of an e-mail to sarah [@] with the subject line reading “Query: [title].”

(In the middle of querying? Here are some helpful tips.)


kerry-dagostino13. Kerry D’Agostino (Curtis Brown)

How to Submit: Please e-mail query letters to kd [@], along with a synopsis and three sample chapters.

If querying Kerry, do not query Steve, also on this list.


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