Wednesday, July 13, 2016

WD’s Tunesday: Volume 6 — Name That Tune and Win Awesome Writing Stuff

EnjoScreen Shot 2015-11-03 at 10.15.38 AMy a little piano music from time to time? Who doesn’t?

Well I’m trying something fun today as a pick-me-up to try and get your week going. It’s my own crazy variation of NAME THAT TUNE and I’m calling it WD’S TUNESDAY. This is Volume 6. It runs until July 27, 2016. It’s a great excuse to call upon friends and relatives to help you ID the songs, as they are from different decades. It’s also a great excuse to blow off whatever dull work you’re doing and listen to music instead.

The rules and the gist are simple. Watch the video below. I play 17 melodies (songs, as well as movie/TV/gaming themes) on the piano. All you have to do is name 8 of them correctly for a chance to win awesome writing prizes.That’s it. Try to name as many of them as you can, and e-mail me your answers to literaryagent [at]

Contest 1: All you have to do is watch the video below, and name 8 of the 17 riffs correctly in your email. If you do that, you are entered into a drawing to win prizes. Three winners are drawn randomly. All three winners get 1) either a critique of their one-page query letter by me, or a one-year subscription to, and 2) any one of my three books out right now (see the image below) — the 2016 Guide to Literary Agents, the 2016 Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market, or When Clowns Attack: A Survival Guide. I advise reading the rules & strategy section below before watching the video. For example, one thing top understand is that the riffs are from a variety of genres and decades, which incentivizes people to get their coworkers and family involved.

Contest 2: Separately, the first person who names 15 of the 17 riffs correctly gets their choice of any of my 3 books. (They also get entered into Contest 1 for naming 8 riffs correctly.)

You think you got what it takes? Need a little ivory tickling to liven up your day? Then listen in as I try to do these songs justice on my home piano. Simply click on the video to play. The rules and prizes are below. Good luck! Feel free to share news of the contest.

three covers

  1. When Clowns Attack: A Survival Guide is an anti-clown humor book that teaches you how to defend yourself against these red-nosed bozos who plague us. It’s a perfect gift for that clown-hating friend in your life. (It almost makes a heck of a white elephant gift.) Find it on Amazon or through Barnes & Noble or anywhere else books are sold. Beware clowns.
  2. The 2016 Guide to Literary Agents is a big database of agents — who they are, what they want, how to submit and more. Find it in the Writer’s Digest Shop or anywhere else books are sold.
  3. The 2016 Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market has oodles of markets (agents, publishers, etc.) for writers & illustrators of children’s books — from picture books to middle grade to young adult. Find it in the Writer’s Digest Shop or anywhere else books are sold.



To enter, email your answers to DO NOT LEAVE OFFICIAL ENTRIES BELOW AS COMMENTS — THEY DO NOT COUNT. E-mail is the official way to enter because if you write some of the answers below, you cannot win and people will only steal your answers. I cannot shut off comments for this post, but if you leave a comment that has answers, I will delete it immediately. That said, feel free to ask questions or talk about anything else in the comments. You can also email me, if need be.


  • E-MAIL me your answers to compete. That is the only way to officially enter to get the awesome prizes below.
  • Past winners cannot win again.
  • E-mail your answers to with the word “Tunes” in the subject line.
  • You need to correctly identify the song title in full or at least very close. You do NOT need to correct ID the artist, but feel free to do so. If you’re confused about a song title, I suggest you insert the lyrics into Google, and get a result.
  • For Contest 2, if multiple people are able to guess 15 of the melodies, then the first one to do so correctly is the winner of that contest. So time does factor in.
  • You are only allowed one entry per person, so make sure you get your guesses right before submitting.
  • If you can guess 8 correctly, you are automatically entered into a raffle to win a free WD book. So there is value in entering even if many tunes stump you.
  • The song choices vary a lot, and I tried to make this somewhat difficult. I highly encourage you to call upon relatives/friends/coworkers of different ages to help you decipher these tasty licks.
  • Contest is over at end of day, July 27,  2016. I will then review all submitted emails and announce winners 1) on this post, and 2) by a personal notification via email to the winners.
  • Contest is open to all persons worldwide not working for F+W: A Content and eCommerce Company, or directly related to someone who works at F+W. Questions? Leave them in the comments below, or email me directly at Good luck!


  1. See Volume 1 of Tunesday here (guitar).
  2. See the answers revealed for Volume 1.
  3. See Volume 2 of Tunesday here (guitar again).
  4. See the answers revealed for Volume 2.
  5. See Volume 3 of Tunesday here (piano).
  6. See the answers revealed for Volume 3.
  7. See Volume 4 of Tunesday here (piano).
  8. See the answers revealed for Volume 4.
  9. See Volume 5 of Tunesday here (piano).
  10. See Volume 5 answers revealed.

You can see all posts related to past editions of Tunesday (including the interviews with past winners) on my Music category page of the blog here.

Check Out These Great Upcoming Writers’ Conferences:

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