Monday, August 22, 2016

17 Literary Agents Seeking Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy NOW

Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint which agents are open to submissions at any given time. So with that in mind, I’m creating some new vertical lists of agents seeking queries right now, as of summer 2016.

This list is for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy.

All the agents listed below personally confirmed to me as of August 2016 that they are actively seeking YA Science Fiction and Fantasy (speculative) submissions NOW. Some gave personal notes about their tastes while some did not. Good luck querying!

Note: Unless an agent says otherwise, they are open to both young adult science fiction and fantasy, not just one or the other.


kaylee-davis-literary-agent1.  Kaylee Davis (Dee Mura Literary)

Notes: She seeks particularly epic, contemporary, near-future, and diverse. She has a special interest in locked-room mysteries, psychological, multiple POVs, lesser-explored settings, and unusual retellings.

How to Submit: Send queries to query [@] Put your name and the project title in the subject. Include a synopsis and the first 25 pages of your ms in the body of the email.


ReneeHeadshotvivid-sq-300x3002. Renee Nyen (KT Literary)

Notes: “I love non-traditional family structures (thinking specifically LGBTQIA+ here), and I’m always fascinated by deeply religious families. I’d like to find a YA fantasy/sci-fi with a transgender main character.”

How to Submit: Please submit a query letter with the first three pages of your manuscript pasted in the email to queries [@] querying Renee, do not query Hannah Fergeson, also on this list.


Tamar-agent3. Tamar Rydzinski (Laura Dail Literary)

How to Submit: Send queries to queries [@] Put your book’s title and the name of the agent you are querying in the subject—QUERY: TITLE for AGENT. Paste the first 5-10 pages of your manuscript into the body of the email.



Patricia-Nelson-296x3004. Patricia Nelson (Marsal Lyon Literary)

How to Submit: Please send a query letter by email to: Patricia [at] and write “QUERY” in the subject line of the email.

Please note that her agency now accepts electronic submissions only. In all submissions, please include a contact phone number as well as your email address.


strauss5. Rebecca Strauss (DeFiore and Company)

Notes: Fantasy only; no sci-fi.

How to Submit: Please email her at Rebecca [@] with a brief query letter containing information on your book, your bio and the first five pages in the body of the email. Please include the word “Query” and your book title in the subject line.


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vicki-selvaggio-literary-agent6. Victoria Selvaggio (Jennifer De Chiara Literary)

How to Submit: Please email a query to vselvaggio [@] and put “Query” in the subject line of your email.

Send the first twenty pages in the body of your email, along with a one-paragraph bio and a one-paragraph synopsis.


dongwon-song-literary-agent7. DongWon Song (Howard Morhaim Literary)

Notes: Seeks both YA sci-fi and YA fantasy; he’d specifically like to find a YA adventure fantasy (similar to Tamora Pierce or Robin McKinley).

How to Submit:  E-query along with three sample chapters to dongwon [at]


carrie-pestritto8. Carrie Pestritto (Prospect Agency)

Notes: Seeks high concept fantasy only; does no seek sci-fi or other.

How to Submit: Send submissions through the agency’s online form.


Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 5.18.25 PM9. Emily Van Beek (Folio Literary)

How to Submit: Please send along your query letter and first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of the email to emily[@]

Put the word QUERY in the subject line. If you haven’t heard from Emily in six weeks, then she is not the agent for your project.


Christa-Heschke10. Christa Heschke (McIntosh & Otis)

Notes: “For fantasy, I’d like to see unique takes or twists that make them stand out from what’s already on the shelf. I’m a sucker for folklore, especially non-western. I love re-tellings of all types — folktales, classic stories, etc., but again they have to be standout. I’m not looking for something that’s been done many times before. No urban fantasy please.”

How to Submit: Send queries to CHquery [@] Please send a query letter, synopsis and the first three consecutive chapters (not to exceed 25 pages) of the manuscript. If querying Christa, do not query Shannon Powers, also on this list.


HannahFergesen30011. Hannah Fergeson (KT Literary)

How to Submit: Send queries to hannahquery [@] The subject line of your email should include the word “Query” along with the title of your manuscript. Queries should not contain attachments.

The synopsis should include the full plot of the book including the conclusion. If querying Hannah, do not query Renee Nyen, also on this list.


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Ginger Clark12. Ginger Clark (Curtis Brown)

How to Submit: Send query letter and contact information to gc [@]

You can also submit via an online form.


pete-knapp-literary-agent13. Peter Knapp (Park Literary)

How to Submit: Send queries to queries [@] In the subject line, write “Query for Peter: [genre] by [author name].”

No attachments. Include the first three chapters pasted below the query in the email body text.


Becky LeJeune14. Becky LeJeune (Bond Literary Agency)

How to Submit: Please send a query letter via email to: queries [@] Address Becky by name in the query salutation.

No attachments.


shannonpowers-wpcf_240x24015. Shannon Powers (McIntosh & Otis)

Notes: “I would encourage people to check out my blog regarding what kind of sci-fi and fantasy I enjoy in YA. It’s much more in depth than my agency website bio.”

How to Submit: Send query letters to SPquery [@] Include a synopsis and the first three consecutive chapters (not to exceed 25 pages) of the manuscript with your query letter. No attachments. If querying Shannon, do not query Christa Heschke, also on this list.


michelle-johnson-literary-agent16. Michelle Johnson (Inklings Literary)

Notes: “Diverse books welcome.”

How to Submit: Send queries to query [@] Type “Query (Agent Name)” and the title of your novel in the subject line. Include a synopsis and the first 10 pages of your manuscript. No attachments.


literary-agent-jennifer-azantian17. Jennifer Azantian (Azantian Literary)

Notes: “Of particular interest are stories that explore meaningful human interactions against fantastic backdrops, underrepresented voices, obscure retold fairy tales, modernized mythologies, literary science fiction, historical fantasy, space operas, hopeful futures, and internally consistent epic fantasy.”

How to Submit: To submit, send your query letter, 1-2 page synopsis, and first 10-15 pages in the body of your email to queries [@] Messages sent with attachments will not be opened. Please indicate if this an exclusive submission.


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