Thursday, December 29, 2016

Poetry Resolutions for 2017!

I don’t know how your poeming went in 2017, but mine was sort of up and down. On one hand, I wrote several drafts that I’m super excited about. On the other hand, my poetry submissions have been so lax that even a rejection would be a welcome sight about now. That said, here’s a post of my poetry resolutions for 2017!

Write a poem each week

This might be my easiest goal, because I’ve been doing it for years with the Wednesday Poetry Prompts and poem-a-day challenges in April in November. In fact, I hope to write a few poems (first drafts) each week in 2017.

Host the April and November poem challenges

This will be my 10th year of running the April and November poem-a-day challenges. Totally excited to keep prompting and poeming!

Make 5 poetry submissions each month

If I accomplish this task, I’ll be super happy, whether I’m receiving acceptances or rejections. In all of 2016, I only made 7 submissions. It’s hard to get published when I’m not sending out my work.


poets_market_robert_lee_brewerOrder the New Poet’s Market!

The 2017 Poet’s Market, edited by Robert Lee Brewer, includes hundreds of poetry markets, including listings for poetry publications, publishers, contests, and more! With names, contact information, and submission tips, poets can find the right markets for their poetry and achieve more publication success than ever before.

In addition to the listings, there are articles on the craft, business, and promotion of poetry–so that poets can learn the ins and outs of writing poetry and seeking publication. Plus, it includes a one-year subscription to the poetry-related information on All in all, it’s the best resource for poets looking to secure publication.

Click to continue.


Read a new poet’s work each week

One place I totally excelled in 2016 was in reading the work of other poets. I subscribed to multiple poetry publications, bought collections by poets I’d never read before, and snooped around online. The result? A lot of great ideas, wonderful voices, and new ways of looking at the world.

Make the best edition of Poet’s Market ever

Every year, this is my goal. And if something ain’t broke, don’t fix it. So I’m looking forward to making my 9th edition as editor the best one yet.

Finish my second full-length collection

I think this was a goal last year too, but didn’t happen. But I’m close, so 2017 it is!

So these are my goals. What are yours?


Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community and author of Solving the World’s Problems (Press 53). Follow him on Twitter @RobertLeeBrewer.


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