Saturday, January 7, 2017

Weekly Round-up: New Approaches for the New Year

Every week our editors publish somewhere between 10 and 15 blog posts—but it can be hard to keep up amidst the busyness of everyday life. To make sure you never miss another post, we’ve created a new weekly round-up series. Each Saturday, find the previous week’s posts all in one place.

wr_iconWhat Writers Need in 2017

You may have created an aspirational list of resolutions for the new year. You may have already given up on some (or all) of those resolutions. Don’t worry about it. For a great writing year, here’s what you really need to do:

Opportunities and Agents

Looking for an agent? If you write women’s fiction, here are 7 Literary Agents Seeking Women’s Fiction NOW.

If that’s not enough, check out this week’s new literary agent alert for Shana Kelly of Einstein Literary. Shana is looking for novels with great writing and surprising plots that fall somewhere between commercial and literary.

To capture an agent’s attention, it’s important to understand what they’re looking for. Read an interview with Elise Capron of Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. For even more insight and the opportunity to work one-on-one with an agent, sign up for the Writer’s Digest Boot Camp: How to Craft Query Letters & Other Submission Materials That Get Noticed.

Poetic Asides

For this week’s Wednesday Poetry Prompt, write a something new poem. Then challenge yourself by trying out a poem in diminishing verse.

This year, we’re adding a new Thursday poetry series called Poetry Spotlight. Find out more about the series and the first spotlight (the Rattle Chapbook Prize) here.

Do you struggle with submitting your poetry? Check out Poetry Submission Tips From Other Poets and get submitting.

The Right Approach

Two of the most powerful approaches to writing that writers should try are freewriting and outlining. Find out how to embrace the unstructured nature of freewriting to help you when you’re stuck, and learn how imbue the structured outline with flexibility and discovery.

One of easiest ways to weaken your work is by getting details wrong. Separate the facts from the myths about depression so that your portrayals of characters with the disorder feel real.

Finally, one of the easiest ways to hook young readers is by adding the thrill of suspense. Find out how with 7 Ways to Make a Young Reader’s Hair Stand Up.

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